Harry’s challenge to us:

Harry (the founder) needed help in engaging both his B2C and B2B customers. Despite Rocky (the App) having been recognised as a top 10 European artificial intelligence start-up, and Harry and his team having a dominant understanding of the market place needs; they needed to achieve consistent App downloads and B2B growth in order to achieve Harry’s ambitions to scale.

“The insights Egg generated have immediately led to a 10% increase in App downloads and we have seen a 300% increase in B2B sales”

How we helped

  • Before meeting us Rocky (the App) had tried Market research, Keyword research and Google analytics to drive SEO and App store content. Despite this and having been recognised as a top 10 European artificial intelligence start-up for creating the next generation of personal coaching and development, Rocky was still struggling to achieve consistent consumer downloads and consistently close B2B licenses.

  • The egg data identified changes in customer (both consumer and business) expressed need post pandemic, with subtle alterations in the use of language. Business was moving to a narrative of better personnel understanding, support and engagement, and people were moving to a narrative of choice and self care.

  • This insight gave Harry and his team the opportunity to explore and tweak their content and narratives in a way that resonated and engaged their target customers. As a result Rocky saw an immediate 10% increase in consumer downloads which continues to grow, but also gained immediate traction with businesses by speaking a language that met the need and the value was clearly met. As a result of these changes Rocky AI saw a 12% increase in their investment rating making them eligable for next round scale-up.

The value in detail


Empowered sales narrative

  • New topics to discuss and subtle language change have increased customer engagement

  • The sales team have had valuable discussions with B2B customers, challenging the status quo

  • Having explored the narratives with customers, content tweaks have seen increased downloads by consumers and B2B sales and marketing materials have had a paradigm shift

Improved service

  • The award winning product itself has not changed but the way the Rocky team communicate with customers has meant that more people are now benefiting from the service

Brand plan success

  • Brand plan now includes tactics and objectives covering a new target group

  • Ongoing customer interaction both directly and indirectly through the App and via egg will monitor and capture any prospective change based on any market place changes

  • Education and materials being generated on this topic to encourage identification of new customers

Omnichannel efficiency

  • New content can now be considered for omni-channel campaigns

  • Connecting content to new topics at the forefront of understanding increases engagement both B2C and B2B customers.

  • This can be measured as part of the omnichannel marketing approach to assess impact


In focus: Small batch filling


In focus: Employee attractiveness