Joining our team

We love what we do, and we work hard for our clients. But, we believe that work shouldn’t feel like work, and we strive for a working environment where the team are motivated by the work they’re doing, rather than the time they can finish, or time left till the weekend. Happy people do better work.

Man in cap working on laptop on a communal table

Working at egg

“I am having the best time in my working life... Egg is novel in creativity, thinking, truly innovative, and has the capacity to change the world for the better.

The way egg works isn't just a slogan on paper, or a tick list to make an organisation look good - it is lived daily, a true inspiration for how organisations should be. Every individual has brought the best of their professional and personal experience forward, like a perfect blueprint for an awesome organisation!”

- Anju

How we measure employee happiness

  • P - Positive Emotions

    Positive emotions include hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement, and gratitude. They are really important indicators of whether a person is thriving. They can be cultivated, encouraged, and even learned, in order to improve wellbeing.

  • E - Engagement

    Engagement is the loss of self-consciousness and complete absorption in an activity. It is living in the present moment and being able to focus completely on the task at hand. This is much easier when you are doing something you love, or are absorbed by.

  • R - Positive Relationships

    Relationships encompass all the interactions people have with their partners, friends, family , colleagues, as well as their community at large. In this context, it particularly refers to feeling supported, loved, and valued by others, and having positive interactions.

  • M - Meaning

    The search for meaning and the need to have a sense of value and worth are intrinsic human qualities. Meaning is guided by personal values. People who feel they have a purpose in life are proven to live longer, have greater life satisfaction and fewer health problems. This feeling is usually linked to serving something greater than ourselves.

  • A - Accomplishment

    Feelings of accomplishment are the result of working towards and reaching goals, mastering something, or having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do. This allows people to look at their lives with a sense of pride. Achieving intrinsic goals (such as growth and connection) improve wellbeing even more than external goals such as money or fame.

We’re always looking for top talent.

If you think you’d fit in well here, get in touch