Our Services

egg Insight provides unbiased ‘customer voice’ data direct to industry with flexible options to meet individual needs..read on to find the service that meets yours!

Full customer voice

VEN provides global unbiased customer voice

WHAT - topic landscape - We extract voice on any topic and split it into all associated sub-topics creating a market need profile

WHO - Stakeholder voice - Within each aggregated sub-topic we deploy clever algorithms to separate the voice by stakeholder.

WHERE - Channel confidence - We cross reference our unbiased stakeholder voice and map against both social media activity for sentiment and popularity, and other open sources.

WHY - We leverage granular population data to better understand the stakeholder demographic profile that sits behind the voice.

Our in-house expert team provides complete project management, client data guidance and actionable project insights in line with project objectives

DISCOVERY - (Where you are coming from and where you are trying to get too) In order to train our tool to bring you the most powerful insights we need to understand your needs and your business

OUTSIGHT - Our quantified voice data paints a powerful picture of the stakeholder need landscape, but in order to provide you with actionable insights that meet your needs, we ’deep-dive’ the out-sight data to measure the impact through qualitative interview methods with actual stakeholders and subject experts (Outside In rather than Inside out)

ACTIONABLE INSIGHT - Once all our voice data out-sights have been stakeholder impact validated we will provide you with ‘actionable Insights’ aligned to the specific discovered needs of your business in order for your project objectives to be met, delivered and guided by our industry experts

Cost - £POA - Each project we under take is bespoke to each client designed in line with outcome need and budget

Voice On-demand

Designed specifically with business and PR consultants in mind, our voice data can be leveraged on-demand to provide high level customer voice insight, to explore market opportunity and power strategic confidence.

Our on-demand data is available through a subscription portal which provides:

  • Total stakeholder voice volume

  • Top 10 stakeholder topics

  • Trending topic profiles

  • Stakeholder need stability profiles

all uniquely derived from quantified expressed stakeholder need


Up to 5 data reports per month

Up to 10 data reports per month

Up to 30 data reports per month

Subscription to our on-demand voice portal also includes free subscription to our competitor analysis tool

Competitor analysis

Designed primarily with small businesses in mind our ‘competitor analysis’ tool provides free access to A.I driven

  • Keyword research

  • Competitor content scraping

  • Digital content inspiration / creation

This simple but powerful tool is great for primary market research

A unique 1 day cross functional workshop facilitated by our commercial, marketing, market access and policy experts as required, centered around live unbiased ‘Customer Voice’ data to explore all unbiased expressed customer needs, to inform and power tactical decision making to help achieve cross functional strategic imperatives.

This 1 day workshop will take you on an inspiring and eye opening journey into what is possible, helping you better understand the who, the what, the why and the where. Exploring best engagement and communication tactics, leaving you with actionable insights, actual usable data and vital competitor intelligence.

Data driven design thinking workshops

Voice of the customer data can make all the difference.