“The insights Egg generated identified a new route to market that retrospectively saved us many months and a brand narrative that gave us a competitive advantage”
How we helped
Before meeting us, Oval had invested heavily in client database acquisition, market research and keyword search in order to successfully reach out to the target customer using an optimised narrative that would resonate with the customer, but there still remained internal concerns around the confidence of these narratives.
egg identified three key areas, the first of which was an inconsistency in industry language use meaning that SEO impact and content development was tough. The second was that the target end customer needs extended beyond simply sourcing a service and that these customers were actively looking for intermediary solutions. Thirdly we identified a huge amount of UK service export which is both logistically and environmentally unessasary .
These insights gave Oval the opportunity to build a clear valuable logistical and ecological industry narrative which helped secure UK based service requirements, not only with end customers but also as a USP for intermediaries. Oval has also been able to optimise and leverage the language inconsitencies to funnel traffic through targeted omni-channel content while building consistent brand language to build SEO
The value in detail
Empowered sales narrative
New topics to discuss have increased customer engagement
The sales team have had valuable discussions with customers, challenging the status quo
Improved service
It has been identified that a lot of UK fill finish business is exported to European locations, awareness of a UK based solution has led to improved corporate responsibility helping reduce industry carbon footprint
Brand plan success
Brand plan now includes tactics and objectives covering a new target group
Further Advisory Boards to specifically look at this topic have been arranged
Education and materials being generated on this topic to encourage identification of new customers for Ovals services.
Omnichannel efficiency
New content can now be considered for omni-channel campaigns
Connecting content to new topics at the forefront of understanding increases engagement customers
This can be measured as part of the omnichannel marketing approach to assess impact