FloGro’s challenge to us:

To find data that would further help Flo Gro secure investment by validating commercial viability and market opportunity of a process waste byproduct (shrimp shells) to further amplify the value of sustainable prawn farming in the UK .

“The insights Egg generated have helped support £5M plant acquisition and validated commercial viability of our waste product”

How we helped

  • Before meeting us, Flo Gro had produced evidence of sustainable prawn farming in Italy and were looking to bring this industry leading process to the UK

  • The insights we uncover are confidential to our clients/ But, we uncovered something that challenged what was previously known about the diagnosis of HAE. We showed a disconnect between GPs and specialist care in this area.

  • This insight gave Takeda the opportunity to work with GPs to address the issue we had uncovered. As a result of this new patients have started on Takeda treatment. Takeda have identified a new patient target group to include in their brand plan, in order to grow revenue for their treatment. This has positively impacted the lives of people suffering with HAE pre-diagnosis.

The value in detail


Empowered sales narrative

  • New topics to discuss have increased customer engagement

  • The sales team have had valuable discussions with customers, challenging the status quo

  • Agreement has been reached that diagnosis is an area in need of further exploration, and that new patients can be identified for treatment sooner

Improved service

  • It has been identified that not all GPs are successfully identifying candidates for diagnosis

  • Diagnosis rates could be improved if communication improves between GPs and specialists

Brand plan success

  • Brand plan now includes tactics and objectives covering a new target group

  • Further Advisory Boards to specifically look at this topic have been arranged

  • Education and materials being generated on this topic to encourage identification of new patients for Takeda’s products

Omnichannel efficiency

  • New content can now be considered for omni-channel campaigns

  • Connecting content to new topics at the forefront of understanding increases engagement from HCPs

  • This can be measured as part of the omnichannel marketing approach to assess impact


In focus: Employee attractiveness