Curia’s challenge to us:

egg was asked to provide ‘state of the nation voice data’ on the impact of Dementia in the UK as part of the 2023 Dementia commission carried out by NHS Innovation and Life Sciences commission .

Read the report

“The insights Egg generated undoubtedly helped support our understanding of the impact of dementia in the UK ”

How we helped

  • Curia, as part of the NHS Innovation and Life Science commission had been working with many esteemed authorities to highlight and report on the ‘State of the nation’ with regards to the impact of Dementia. egg was invited to pull the mixed stakeholder voice of the UK in oder to further support this report.

  • egg was able to demonstrate the existence of ‘disease squeeze’. Generally people are living longer and having children later in life, our data highlighted the social and economic impact of conditions like dementia on middle aged people caring for both young children and aging parents at the same time.

  • The NHS Innovation and Life Science commission was able to

The value in detail


Empowered sales narrative

  • New topics to discuss have increased customer engagement

  • The sales team have had valuable discussions with customers, challenging the status quo

  • Agreement has been reached that diagnosis is an area in need of further exploration, and that new patients can be identified for treatment sooner

Improved service

  • It has been identified that not all GPs are successfully identifying candidates for diagnosis

  • Diagnosis rates could be improved if communication improves between GPs and specialists

Brand plan success

  • Brand plan now includes tactics and objectives covering a new target group

  • Further Advisory Boards to specifically look at this topic have been arranged

  • Education and materials being generated on this topic to encourage identification of new patients for Takeda’s products

Omnichannel efficiency

  • New content can now be considered for omni-channel campaigns

  • Connecting content to new topics at the forefront of understanding increases engagement from HCPs

  • This can be measured as part of the omnichannel marketing approach to assess impact


In focus: Rare disease diagnosis