Unique data insight connecting you with the unbiased digital voice of your customer up to a year ahead of the market.

Empowering you to deliver maximum strategic impact through our holistic customer intelligence.

Welcome to egg

At egg, we pride ourselves on delivering insights that are truly unbiased and centered on the holistic, unmet needs of customers, delving into the full spectrum of consumer experiences to uncover the nuanced challenges and desires that are often overlooked.

Holistic Customer Intelligence

Do you find yourself searching for your customer voice amongst the bias and limitations of the available customer intelligence tools and techniques? Are you trying to understand how they all fit together, and why some of them contradict each other? Our next generation, holistic customer intelligence gives you the full picture, to confidently build a strategy around.

Egg Insight's Holistic Customer Intelligence diagram

By focusing on these critical insights, we empower businesses to make informed decisions that resonate with their audience on a deeper level.

Built around your needs

From complete global market analysis and opportunity mapping, to simply answering the one question that unlocks your strategy, our data and experts provide the answers through the expressed needs of your customers.

Our commitment to impartial analysis ensures that you receive accurate, actionable intelligence—designed to meet the real needs of your customers and drive meaningful results for your business.

What we impact


100% of our clients have retrospectively reported strategic and / or tactical metric improvements including:

Marketing Strategy icon

Marketing strategy

95% of our customers made positive strategic change based on our data outcomes

Audience Targeting icon

Customer engagement

55% was the average face-to-face and online omni-channel increase post data implementation.



28% was the average reported sales increase reported by our customers

B2C / B2B

32% was the average reported improvement across all of our customers

Content Development icon

Customer access

10% increase in customer sales interactions made up of previously ‘hard to see’ customers

Innovation Icon

White space innovation

15% of our clients have reported a change of direction or evolution in product


Click through

5% was the highest improvement in click though rates reported by a client

App downloads

62% was the highest reported increase in app downloads reported by a client


Website engagement

45% was the average increase in customer time spent on our clients websites following data implementation


33% was the average increase in online stakeholder ‘following’ reported by our clients

Egg team member sticking sticky notes to a whiteboard

Who we are

We’re a pretty unique bunch. A multi-disciplinary team; experts across data science, marketing strategy, behavioural psychology and software engineering. We’re really passionate about what we do for our clients, and we think it’s super important. But, we’re also trying to do other important stuff too, investing in improving lives around the world.

Who we’ve helped

We’re a young company, with market-leading insights, and we’re only just learning the power of what we’ve developed.

We started in healthcare, trying to create links between those creating treatments, patients, and healthcare professionals that treat them. This has historically been a broken, or opaque line of communication. So far we’ve found that what we can do is not only hugely valuable in the pharmaceutical world, but also in consumer health, retail, and in measuring employee attractiveness.

“I’m overwhelmed by the scale of opportunity in front of us”

— Disease Area Brand Manager, Top 10 Pharma Company

We’d love to talk about how we can supercharge your strategy